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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Makna Idul Fitri yang sebenarnya
Makna Idul Fitri yang sebenarnya - Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Idul Fitri adalah hari raya yang datang berulangkali setiap tanggal 1 Syawal, yang menandai puasa telah selesai dan kembali diperbolehkan makan minum di siang hari. Artinya kata fitri di sini diartikan �berbuka� atau �berhenti puasa� yang identik dengan makan minum. Maka tidak salah apabila Idul Fitri disambut dengan makan-makan dan minum-minum yang tak jarang terkesan diada-adakan oleh sebagian keluarga.

Ringkasnya kesalahan itu pada akhirnya menimbulkan sebuah fenomena umat yang shaleh mustman, bukan umat yang berupaya mempertahankan kefitrahan dan nilai ketaqwaan.
Ketika merayakan Idul Fitri setidaknya ada tiga sikap yang harus kitapunyai, yaitu:
Idul Fitri adalah hari raya yang datang berulangkali setiap tanggal 1 Syawal, yang menandai puasa telah selesai dan kembali diperbolehkan makan minum di siang hari. Artinya kata fitri di sini diartikan �berbuka� atau �berhenti puasa� yang identik dengan makan minum. Maka tidak salah apabila Idul Fitri disambut dengan makan-makan dan minum-minum yang tak jarang terkesan diada-adakan oleh sebagian keluarga.

Terminologi yang Salah
Terminologi Idul Fitri seperti ini harus dijauhi dan dibenahi, sebab selain kurang mengekspresikan makna idul fitri sendiri juga terdapat makna yang lebih mendalam lagi. Idul Fitri seharusnya dimaknai sebagai �Kepulangan seseorang kepada fitrah asalnya yang suci� sebagaimana ia baru saja dilahirkan dari rahim ibu. Secara metafor, kelahiran kembali ini berarti seorang muslim selama sebulan melewati Ramadhan dengan puasa, qiyam, dan segala ragam ibadahnya harus mampu kembali berislam, tanpa benci, iri, dengki, serta bersih dari segala dosa dan kemaksiatan.Makna Idul Fitri yang Sebenarnya
Idul Fitri berarti kembali kepada naluri kemanusiaan yang murni, kembali kepada keberagamaan yang lurus, dan kembali dari segala kepentingan duniawi yang tidak Islami, Inilah makna Idul Fitri yang asli.Kesalahan Besar
Adalah kesalahan besar apabila Idul Firi dimaknai dengan �Perayaan kembalinya kebebasan makan dan minum� sehingga tadinya dilarang makan di siang hari, setelah hadirnya Idul Fitri akan balas dendam, atau dimaknai sebagai kembalinya kebebasan berbuat maksiat yang tadinya dilarang dan ditinggalkan kemudian. Karena Ramadhan sudah usai maka keniaksiatan kembali ramai-ramai digalakkan.Ringkasnya kesalahan itu pada akhirnya menimbulkan sebuah fenomena umat yang shaleh mustman, bukan umat yang berupaya mempertahankan kefitrahan dan nilai ketaqwaan.
Ketika merayakan Idul Fitri setidaknya ada tiga sikap yang harus kitapunyai, yaitu:
- Rasa penuh harap kepada AllahSWT (Raja�). Harap akan diampuni dosa-dosa yang berlalu. Janji Allah SWT akan ampunan itu sebagai buah dari �kerja keras� sebulan lamanya menahan hawa nafsu dengan berpuasa.
- Melakukan evaluasi diri pada ibadah puasa yang telah dikerjakan. Apakah puasayang kita lakukan telah sarat dengan makna, atau hanya puasa menahan lapar dan dahaga saja Di siang bulan Ramadhan kitaberpuasa, tetapi hati kita, lidah kita tidak bisa ditahan dari perbuatan atau perkataari yang menyakitkan orang lain. Kita harus terhindar dari sabda Nabi SAW yang mengatakan banyakorangyang hanya sekedar berpuasa saja: �Banyak sekali orang yang berpuasa, yang hanya puasanya sekedar menahan lapar dan dahaga�.
- Mempertahankan nilai kesucian yang baru saja diraih. Tidak kehilangan semangat dalam ibadah karena lewatnya bulan Ramadhan, karena predikat taqwa sehantsnya berkelanjutan hingga akhir hayat. Firman Allah SWT: �Hai orang yang beriman, bertagwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benar taqwa kepada-Nya dan janganlah sekali-kati kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan ber-agama Islam � (QS. Ali Imran: 102).
Facebook akan dihancurkan ?

Facebook akan dihancurkan ? - Inilah berita yang mungkin masih hangat untuk diperbincangkan. Hmm,, Anonymous ohh anonymous.. Sekelompok Hacker Bernama Hacker Anonymous dengan Terus terang menyatakan pada Publik baik itu lewat Youtube dan berbagai media online lainnya Mengancam Akan Menghancurkan Situs Jejaring Sosial terkenal yakni Facebook dalam Rentang waktu 5 November 2011. Menurut info yang saya baca, grup ini adalah grup yang sangat aktif melakukan hacking terhadap berbagai situs dunia , misal nya FBI.
Apa alasan Utamanya ???
Menurut mereka, Facebook telah menjual
data-data penggunanya kepada agen-agen klandestin yang kemudian
memberikan data tersebut ke perusahaan keamanan agar dapat memata-matai
pengguna Facebook di seluruh dunia.
Anonymous mengklaim bahwa sebaik apapun
pengaturan privasi dilakukan di Facebook, hal tersebut tidak terlalu
menolong karena tidak ada yang pribadi di Facebook. Menurut Anonymous,
Facebook mengetahui penggunanya lebih baik daripada keluarga pengguna
Facebook itu sendiri. Lebih jauh Anonymous mengatakan jika seorang
menghapus akunnya di Facebook, sebenarnya akun tersebut tidak terhapus,
semua informasi pribadi tetap ada di situs Facebook dan sewaktu-waktu
dapat dipulihkan kembali. Anonymous memberikan target waktu sampai
dengan 5 November 2011 bagi pengguna Facebook untuk berpikir dan
menyelamatkan data-data mereka.
Meskipun Anonim telah berhasil dalam mengHack beberapa situs besar di
masa lalu, Namun tindakan ini dipertanyakan ,apakah ini akan berhasil
terhadap Facebook. Ketika Anda menganggap bahwa kelompok hacker telah
diberikan beberapa bulan untuk mempersiapkan serangan terhadap
Facebook, Apakah Pihak Facebook Sudah mempersiapkan diri?.
Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin didunia ini, Jangankan Facebook, Google
pun Masih Lumpuh dinegeri tirai Bambu (China) Karena Serangan Hacker
China. Ancaman ini tidak bisa dipandang remeh. Hal ini sekaligus
peringatan bagi pengguna Facebook untuk benar-benar menjaga data mereka
di Facebook. Artinya jangan terlalu percaya bahwa data anda aman di
Facebook yang kini beranggotakan lebih dari 750 juta orang memang target
yang sangat empuk.Kita tidak bisa membayangkan, jika pada tanggal 5
November nanti sekian ratus juta data pengguna Facebook akan diretas
oleh Anonymous. Bila kita lihat tujuannya, yaitu melumpuhkan atau dalam
video dikatakan dengan �destroy� sekitar 750 juta pengguna Facebook akan
kehilangan data-data mereka. Tidak hanya itu, melihat banyaknya
perusahaan yang memiliki page dan berbisnis di Facebook tentu tidak akan
sedikit kerugian yang mereka akan alami.yang pasti, jikalau info ini benar benar terjadi, maka bukan hanya pihak facebook yang akan merugi, para user user di facebook juga akan mengalami hal yang sama.
Sekian Artikel mengenai " Facebook akan dihancurkan ? " Semoga bermanfaat.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Veterans Assistance & Asbestos Exposure
Veterans Assistance & Asbestos Exposure, Those who have served this nation in the military services bear a particular burden when it comes to asbestos exposure due to its heavy use by all branches of the military. Throughout much of the last century, the services used asbestos in many different ways and many soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen have been exposed to asbestos. Assistance for Veterans with cases of asbestos exposure is available all over the country. Veterans are allowed to apply for Veteran Administration (VA) benefits for asbestos-related illnesses and Mesothelioma cancer.
InsulationMany military veterans were exposed to asbestos during peacetime and while prosecuting many of the nation�s war efforts. Veterans were exposed in a variety of forms of the deadly substance used in
Ceiling tiles
Vehicle parts
The Naval Service Asbestos Exposure
Many of the nation�s naval vessels were made with a fair amount of asbestos, because of asbestos unique properties it was perfect for the nautical ships that were prone to fires during wartime.
Veterans and Mesothelioma Cancer
The effects of asbestos exposure may not make themselves apparent for 20 to 40 years. A large number of products were used by the naval service and each branch of the military had asbestos use. Veterans came across a large list of materials that allowed them to inhale and ingest asbestos fibers. About 1/3 of all those diagnosed with malignant Mesothelioma are veterans.
Assistance for Veterans Exposed to Asbestos
The Veterans Administration of the United States has many cancer centers that assist veterans that have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer and other diseases related to Asbestos exposure. If you are a military veteran who has been exposed to asbestos, you should inform the doctor so that you can be screened for Mesothelioma cancer.
VA Cancer Treatment Centers
The VA runs centers that assist veteran with cancer treatments in every state. The centers can handle the needs Mesothelioma sufferers. Military Vets that are in need of help can get in touch with a Veteran Administration center closer to them to find out more about Mesothelioma cancer treatment programs and treatments for other asbestos related illnesses.
Mesothelioma Veteran Assistance, Compensation, and Treatment
If you are a veteran that has contracted an asbestos related illness, you can get help, compensation, and treatment. This is why it is vital that veterans call a Mesothelioma law firm to get all the best information.
InsulationMany military veterans were exposed to asbestos during peacetime and while prosecuting many of the nation�s war efforts. Veterans were exposed in a variety of forms of the deadly substance used in
Ceiling tiles
Vehicle parts
The Naval Service Asbestos Exposure
Many of the nation�s naval vessels were made with a fair amount of asbestos, because of asbestos unique properties it was perfect for the nautical ships that were prone to fires during wartime.
Veterans and Mesothelioma Cancer
The effects of asbestos exposure may not make themselves apparent for 20 to 40 years. A large number of products were used by the naval service and each branch of the military had asbestos use. Veterans came across a large list of materials that allowed them to inhale and ingest asbestos fibers. About 1/3 of all those diagnosed with malignant Mesothelioma are veterans.
Assistance for Veterans Exposed to Asbestos
The Veterans Administration of the United States has many cancer centers that assist veterans that have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer and other diseases related to Asbestos exposure. If you are a military veteran who has been exposed to asbestos, you should inform the doctor so that you can be screened for Mesothelioma cancer.
VA Cancer Treatment Centers
The VA runs centers that assist veteran with cancer treatments in every state. The centers can handle the needs Mesothelioma sufferers. Military Vets that are in need of help can get in touch with a Veteran Administration center closer to them to find out more about Mesothelioma cancer treatment programs and treatments for other asbestos related illnesses.
Mesothelioma Veteran Assistance, Compensation, and Treatment
If you are a veteran that has contracted an asbestos related illness, you can get help, compensation, and treatment. This is why it is vital that veterans call a Mesothelioma law firm to get all the best information.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mesothelioma Treatment
Listen to an audio summary on Mesothelioma Treatment.
If there�s one thing we know about mesothelioma treatment, it�s this: we�re still being challenged to arrive at efficacy.
Despite years of research since the disease was first identified, it�s still difficult to identify the best approach to treating the disease, says David Rice, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon and nationally known mesothelioma expert who practices at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.
The very rareness of the cancer�only about 3,000 people a year are diagnosed in the United States�makes it difficult to run the kind of research studies needed to compare treatments and determine the ideal therapy at each stage of the disease. �There isn�t a lot of evidence-based science in this disease,� Dr. Rice admits. So when his patients ask him what the best treatment is for the disease, he tells them what we tell you in this section, adding that �we don�t have a reliable cure for this disease.�
Thus, a major goal of treatment is to reduce pain and suffering and prolong a patient�s life as long as possible while providing them with the highest quality of life possible.
Choosing the right mesothelioma doctor is an important first step in planning for treatment.
There are a number of mesothelioma experts, like Dr. Rice, practicing in specialized clinics throughout the country. Each of these cancer specialists has an acute knowledge of the behavior and pathology of malignant mesothelioma and its treatment. It is likely that if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you will be referred by your personal physician to a larger scale comprehensive cancer center.
The most important consideration in mesothelioma treatment is the cancer stage and type, said Dr. Rice. Treatment decisions also depend on whether the cancer is localized to the chest or has spread to the chest wall, diaphragm, or lymph nodes, your age and overall health, and the center where you�re being treated. Learn more about finding a doctor here.
Conventional treatments for mesothelioma involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
As with most solid tumors, doctors turn to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy to manage mesothelioma. When exploring the various treatment options available with your doctor it is important to be informed about the risk and benefits of each one before making a final decision.
Only about 1 in 5 patients with metastatic pleural mesothelioma undergo surgery. There are two main surgeries: pleurectomy/decortication, in which the surgeon tries to remove as much of the tumor from around the lung as possible, and the more radical extrapleural pneumonectomy, in which the lung itself is removed.
There is a lot of debate as to which is �best,� said Dr. Rice, although studies find that most long-term survivors have had surgery. He personally believes that pneumonectomy is best for tumor control if followed with radiation. Studies find it prevents tumor recurrence in the chest in 80 to 85 percent of patients who have the surgery.
However, Dr. Rice noted, it is a long, intensive operation with a 55 percent complication rate and a 3 percent risk of death, higher in some institutions. �So you only want to perform that surgery if the patient has a reasonably good prognosis,� said Dr. Rice. Translation: it doesn�t appear that the cancer has spread outside the chest.
Patients best suited for pneumonectomy are younger, with the epithelial form of the disease, no obvious lymph gland involvement, and are otherwise healthy enough to withstand the rigor of the procedure. Dr. Rice actually waits until he has the patient�s chest open in the operating room and biopsies the lymph nodes before deciding which procedure to perform.
Pleurectomy/decortication has a higher failure rate, with the tumor recurring in the chest cavity 50 to 80 percent of the time. However, that rate may change with improved radiotherapy techniques, Dr. Rice said. The reason for the high recurrence is that it�s impossible to completely remove the tumor without removing the lung.
However, he noted, there is no difference in survival rates between the two surgeries. Part of the reason is that the cancer has often spread to other parts of the body by the time it is diagnosed even if it appears to be confined to the chest.
Chemotherapy, also known as systemic therapy, uses oral or infusion-based medications to kill cancer cells throughout your body. Chemotherapy is used both before and after surgery, as well as in people who can�t handle surgery. It is also used in the palliative setting to reduce pain and improve quality of life.
The most commonly used chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma are cisplatin combined with pemetrexed (Alimta) or raltitrexed (Tomudex). Other combinations include gemcitabine, carboplatin or oxaliplatin.
If you can�t manage combination therapy, your doctor may start on just one drug. Sometimes, your doctor may infuse the medication directly into your chest cavity, a procedure called pleural chemotherapy, or, abdomen, called intraperitoneal chemotherapy. You may also get a second course of chemotherapy, called �second-line� chemotherapy, with pemetrexed or other drugs, raltitrexed plus oxaliplatin, or the triple drug combination of irinotecan, cisplatin and mitomycin.
Some centers are beginning to provide intraperitoneal chemotherapy before surgery, followed by chemotherapy shortly after surgery. You can learn more about this approach here. There is also work underway to personalize chemotherapy based on the genetic characteristics of your tumor.
Radiation can be an important part of mesothelioma treatment. The problem is that because the cancer is near the heart and lungs, it�s challenging to provide the kind of high-dose, intensive therapy needed to shrink the tumor. However, a newer option, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), which can more accurately target cancer cells and avoid healthy tissue, may provide better results when performed by experienced clinicians.
Investigational therapies are being explored through clinical and surgical trials at many of the nation�s top cancer centers.
There are more than 50 studies on new therapies for mesothelioma in the U.S. that are looking for volunteers. Researchers are investigating new targeted drugs and chemotherapies, as well as new protocols for giving the medications; immunotherapy, which harnesses the power of the immune system to fight the disease; phototherapy, in which you are injected with a drug that bonds to cancer cells and is activated by high-intensity light; genetic therapies; and novel radiotherapy techniques like tomotherapy to treat the disease. Learn more about participating in a clinical trial here.
At some point, the management of the disease will shift from trying to cure the disease to trying to keep the patient as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.
This is the palliative care stage, when many people enter a hospice program. The primary goal at this stage is maximizing patient comfort. Medication to help with pain, difficulty breathing, and other symptoms that may be experienced is a mainstay. So is emotional and spiritual support for you and your family.
Alternative therapies for mesothelioma can be used to ease side effects of traditional cancer treatment.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) includes such therapies as massage, acupuncture, and meditation. They can be a powerful part of your overall management plan, helping you better manage the stress and anxiety of the disease and conventional treatments.
Topics in this Section
Conventional Therapies
Conventional therapies for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Experimental Therapies
Several forms of mesothelioma treatment such gene therapy, immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy and multimodality therapy are still in their preliminary stages.
Alternative Treatments
These untraditional treatment approaches can complement conventional therapies and allow the patient to be more at peace and comfortable during this difficult time.
Treatment by Stage
This section lists typical treatment strategies based on the stage of the mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Doctors
Medical doctors who specialize in aggressively treating mesothelioma cancer state by state.
Mesothelioma Experts
Medical doctors with a longstanding expertise in treating malignant mesothelioma.
Clinical Trials
Information about current studies of promising new or experimental mesothelioma treatments.
Mesothelioma Clinics
Top Cancer Centers for mesothelioma treatment have been listed alphabetically by state for your convenience.
Ask Your Doctor
We have listed some questions that you might want to ask your doctor in this section.
Treatment Side Effects
While undergoing treatment for mesothelioma, you should be prepared for the following treatment side effects.
Caregiver Resources
Resources for family members and loved ones responsible for caring for mesothelioma patients.
Mesothelioma Research
Selected abstracts relating to malignant mesothelioma from PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's search service.
Mesothelioma Treatment Alerts
Articles regarding the most recent advances in mesothelioma treatment that are helping to improve longevity and quality of life in patients.
Campbell NP, Kindler HL. Update on malignant pleural mesothelioma. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;32(1):102-110.
Sugarbaker, David, Zellos, Lambros S. Multimodality treatment of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma. Seminars in Onology. 2002; 29 (1): 41-50.
Chua TC, Yan TD, Morris DL. Surgical biology for the clinician: peritoneal mesothelioma: current understanding and management. Can J Surg. 2009;52(1):59-64.
Dhalluin X, Scherpereel A. Treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma: current status and future directions. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2010;73(2):79-85.
Friedberg JS. Photodynamic therapy as an innovative treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;21(2):177-87.
Garland LL. Chemotherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Current treatment options in oncology. 2011. epub
Stevens LM, Lynm C, Glass RM. JAMA patient page. Palliative care. JAMA. 2006;296(11):1428.
Rice, David M.D. Telephone Interview. April 29, 2011.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
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Phoenix dui lawyers-Need Positive Thinking Trained
Phoenix dui lawyers-Need Positive Thinking Trained
Writer: Tim
Former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, had words of wisdom are timeless: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an Optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. No different from the objects facing the pessimistic and optimistic. There is only a different perspective. The optimist looked at him with positive thoughts, while the pessimistic with negative thoughts.
Having positive thinking had to be socialized and trained constantly so that someday will grow into the character. But how to cultivate this habit? The following tips can be useful.Verbal affirmations every dayWhen we encounter a problem or opportunity, there are two possibilities that could be done. We felt able to cope or do, but on the other hand would doubt our ability. Technically, we are in fact very capable of doing it but we pulled uncertainty in a static manner so that we can not do anything.According to some experts, the best way to overcome this problem is to do affirmations, that is to say positive words to us. In the morning after waking up, say to ourselves that we can do anything we want. Such "You can!" or, "You can do it!" The louder our words more able to influence our subconscious. Do it every day for about 10 minutes.Use positive wordsUsing positive words have a good influence. An expert named Dr. Susan Jeffers says, "No matter whether we believe in the words or not, but those words affect our subconscious." If we are accustomed to using negative words, the results of which we can negatiflah. So even if we always use positive words positive results that we will be.Attach a picture or writingAttaching the visualization of what we want will have a positive impact in the achievement. What we want to reach, attach pictures or words. Look at every opportunity, imagine what we will feel when can reach it. This will encourage positive thoughts.Fill around us with positive imagesThis could be a positive image of the words of motivational posters, inspirational images, even writing affirmations to convince themselves in a small card or paper paste which is easily seen.Because it gave the room decoration with posters or pictures that can arouse inspiration or pep up our confidence. One time when we're stressed, look, or read so that we will refocus on the desire we are pursuing.Often say "Thank You"Gratitude will affect our minds. Saying "Thank You" will publish a positive mind. But how many times a day we say "Thank You"? We may even forget to say thank you when, for example, helped people in the fall. Yet more often grateful, the more positive thoughts awakened.Listen to motivational descriptionListening to motivational exposure will build positive thoughts. We can hear the show on the radio or adjust motivational motivational CDs while driving on the road. It would be a kind of "charging" for our mental.
Writer: Tim

Having positive thinking had to be socialized and trained constantly so that someday will grow into the character. But how to cultivate this habit? The following tips can be useful.Verbal affirmations every dayWhen we encounter a problem or opportunity, there are two possibilities that could be done. We felt able to cope or do, but on the other hand would doubt our ability. Technically, we are in fact very capable of doing it but we pulled uncertainty in a static manner so that we can not do anything.According to some experts, the best way to overcome this problem is to do affirmations, that is to say positive words to us. In the morning after waking up, say to ourselves that we can do anything we want. Such "You can!" or, "You can do it!" The louder our words more able to influence our subconscious. Do it every day for about 10 minutes.Use positive wordsUsing positive words have a good influence. An expert named Dr. Susan Jeffers says, "No matter whether we believe in the words or not, but those words affect our subconscious." If we are accustomed to using negative words, the results of which we can negatiflah. So even if we always use positive words positive results that we will be.Attach a picture or writingAttaching the visualization of what we want will have a positive impact in the achievement. What we want to reach, attach pictures or words. Look at every opportunity, imagine what we will feel when can reach it. This will encourage positive thoughts.Fill around us with positive imagesThis could be a positive image of the words of motivational posters, inspirational images, even writing affirmations to convince themselves in a small card or paper paste which is easily seen.Because it gave the room decoration with posters or pictures that can arouse inspiration or pep up our confidence. One time when we're stressed, look, or read so that we will refocus on the desire we are pursuing.Often say "Thank You"Gratitude will affect our minds. Saying "Thank You" will publish a positive mind. But how many times a day we say "Thank You"? We may even forget to say thank you when, for example, helped people in the fall. Yet more often grateful, the more positive thoughts awakened.Listen to motivational descriptionListening to motivational exposure will build positive thoughts. We can hear the show on the radio or adjust motivational motivational CDs while driving on the road. It would be a kind of "charging" for our mental.
Mesothelioma-Dare to Forgive Others
Authors: Andrie Wongso
Beginning in August 2011 there is interesting news from Iran. A beautiful woman who poured the acid damage to her face and her eyes blind to forgive the offender.The woman is Ameneh Bahrami, Iranian-born in 1978, which doused Majid Movahedi in 2004 because of rejected courtship. Movahedi was arrested while waiting for qisas punishment, ie punishment principled retaliation in kind, a kind of punishment "lives life to pay". In the case Bahrami, he may ask the court to blind the eyes of actors as they experienced.The court ruled the law qisas conducted on July 31, 2011 and broadcast live by television. A few seconds before the acid is splashed in the eye Movahedi, a doctor who would pour liquid Bahrami was asked, "What would you do now?"Movahedi was crying uncontrollably as she knelt. Fear of blindness and eye shadow incomparable pain that made her beg for forgiveness. Everyone was tense watch. A signal from the process Bahrami qisas punishment would be carried out. However, Bahrami was saying the words beyond expectations. "I forgive him, I forgive him," said Bahrami. Then the eyes of the perpetrator had survived.What a noble attitude Bahrami, he courageously forgiving those who have blinded him throughout his life. "The best thing is to forgive when we are in a position of power," Bahrami said explaining his decision. But there Bahrami mother saying that we ought to refer to. He said, "Forgiveness is going to calm Bahrami and our family."Friends of the Extraordinary,As I discussed in a live talk show on network Radio Sonora on Monday morning, to review the story "Do not Save the Potato Rot ', forgiveness is not easy. But forgiveness can calm us. Conversely, revenge is not necessarily eliminate hatred. Maybe it will grow a sense of guilt within us because of revenge after that we feel as bad as those who have made us suffer.Scientifically any excuse or forgive the other person has a positive value. The results showed that those who harbored grudges and nurture hatred, his life was not calm. Medically they have a high pulse (unhealthy), high blood pressure, and muscles tighten. If allowed to continue they could be having a heart attack. Instead, they are willing to forgive others, normal blood pressure, normal cardiac work, and his muscles relaxed. In short, a forgiving have better health records.The study showed that "forgive others" not only good for mental health, but also good for our physical health. Therefore, before Idul Fitri, which will fall a few days away, let's open the door of forgiveness. It would not hurt to forgive others, we even have the benefit of no measure.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Ngeblog - Pasti Punya Inspirator

Ngeblog - Pasti Punya Inspirator - Dalam Dunia Blogging, tentu kita memiliki inspirator. Apa itu Inspirator ?? Secara singkat saja , inspirator itu adalah orang yang menginspirasi kita. Sehingga kita terdorong untuk melakukan suatu tindakan. Nahh, Dalam Blogging rasanya kurang lengkap tanpa ada inspirator. Inspirator itu terkadang bisa membuat perubahan dalam dunia blogging kita.
Contohnya saya, Inspirator saya dalam dunia Blogging ini adalah :
1. Kang Rohman
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan blog yang satu ini. Blog yang satu ini tidak pernah sepi Pengunjung dan teknik menembak keyword,SEO yang ampuh menjadikan blog ini sebagai inspirator saya. Dari Blog ini saya mencoba-coba mempelajari tekniknya dan menerapkan nya di blog ini. al hasil, ya bisa di bilang lumayan.
Berbicara mengenai Blog ini, mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi para blogger. Blog ini selalu ramai pengunjung dan mungkin tidak pernah sepi. Walaupun kebanyakan artikel blog ini adalah copy dan paste, tidak menjadikan pengunjung nya datang dan pergi. Blog ini adalah inspirator saya juga. ilmu yang saya ambil dari sini bukan teknik copy dan paste nya , melainkan mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak :) .
itulah inspirator saya dalam blogging ini, mungkin anda juga mempunyai inspirator lain selain diatas. ingat !! ambil lah ilmu yang positif dari inspirator kita :). Mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan dari artikel ini. Semoga Bermanfaat. :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Apa yang sedang terjadi dengan google?

Apa yang sedang terjadi dengan google ? - Google, hmm pasti sudah tak asing lagi bagi kita. Google adalah search engine terbesar sejakat raya, bisa dibilang diatas Yahoo, Bing, dan kawan kawan search engine lainnya. Postingan saya kali ini hanya ingin sharing mengenai keanehan yang saya alami, bahkan mungkin bukan saya saja. anda juga mungkin pernah mengalami kejadian aneh ini.
Baik , langsung saja kita mulai. Hal-hal aneh yang saya rasakan dari google (pada bulan Agustus)adalah :
Page Rank Google Update.
Nah, seperti yang kita ketahui sebelumnya pada bulan Juli 2011 yang lalu, Google sudah meng-update PR setiap Blog. Blog allshare zone sendiri mendapatkan PR 1 dari Google (baca � Dapat PageRank1 dari Google). Nah, keanehan terjadi disini. dibulan Agustus ini, Google kembali meng-update PR Blog. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa PR diupdate setiap 6 Bulan Sekali. mungkin jika anda liat bukti screen shot dari artikel Dapat PageRank1 dari Google anda bukan nya melihat PR 1 melainkan PR2 .
Sitelink Google / Tautsitus Google.
Bicara sitelink mungkin sudah tak asing lagi bagi kita. bahasa sederhana Sitelink adalah link-link yang membentuk 2 kolom ketika kita mencari sebuah keyword. Nah, untuk mendapatkan sitelink sendiri bukanlah hal yang mudah. postingan kita harus selalu menempati urutan 1 google (entah itu ). Keanehan pun terjadi disini. Di bulan Agustus ini, entah mengapa Google sendiri menebar-nebar sitelink gratis.
Jika anda mengetikkan keyword "", maka anda akan melihat blog allshare zone mendapatkan sitelink sperti gbr dibawah ini

mungkin kalau anda perhatikan , bentuk sitelink sekarang sudah berbeda , anda bisa baca di
Sekian Artikel mengenai "Apa yang sedang terjadi dengan google ?". Mungkin anda juga merasakan hal yang aneh dengan Google. Apa penyebabnya dan apa yang terjadi dengan google, saya belum tahu pasti. Bila ada yang mengetahui ada apa dengan google, mungkin bisa dishare disini melalui komentar.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sepuluh hari Ketiga Bulan Ramadhan
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Postingan kali ini adalah ulasan dari postingan sebelumnya yakni Sepuluh Hari Pertaman Bulan Ramadhan, dan Sepuluh Hari Ke dua Bulan Ramadhan dan kali ini saya akan menguraikan tentang Sepuluh Hari Ke Tiga Bulan Ramadhan.
Fase 10 Hari Ke Tiga Bulan Ramadhan di sebut dengan IstfunMinannar (Pembebsan dari API Neraka)
Suatu Ketika Para Sahabat Bertanya Kepada Rasullullah saw, YaRasullullah, apa sih sebenarnya keutamaan (kelebihan) Sholat Sunnat Tarwih Pada Bulan Ramadhan?,lalu Rasullullah pun menjawab sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadist yang di riwayatkan oleh Saiyidian Ali(r.a), Kelebihan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih Pada bulan Ramadhan Adalah sbb :
Malam ke 20 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke20 Ramadhan, maka ia mendapat pahala bagaikana pahalanya orang2 mati syahid dan orang2 Sholeh
Malam ke 21 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malamke 21 Ramadhan, maka dibangunkan oleh Allah khusus Istana untuknya dari cahaya yang berkilauan
Malam ke 22 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam keMalam ke 22 Ramadhan, maka maka ia akan terhindar dari duka nestapa pada hari kiamat nanti.
Malam ke 23 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 23 Ramadhan, maka Allah buat khusus untuk nya kota (taman indah di Syurga)
Malam ke 24 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 24 Ramadhan, maka Akan di kabulkan oleh Allah swt 24 Macam do'anya
Malam ke 25 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 25 Ramadhan, maka Allah akan membebaskan nya dari Azab kubur
Malam ke 26 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 26 Ramadhan, maka ia akan mendapat pahala dari Allah swt untuk 40 tahun
Malam ke 27 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 27 Ramadhan, maka ia akan melewati titian Shirotal Mustaqim secepat kilat
Malam ke 28 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 28 Ramadhan, maka di tinggikan Derjat nya di Syurga 1000 derjat
Malam ke 29 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 29 Ramadhan, maka ia akan mendapat pahala dari Allah bagaikan 1000 kali pahala Naik Haji
Malam ke 30 :
Barang Siapa yang melaksanakan Sholat Sunnat Tarwih pada malam ke 30 Ramadhan, maka Allah Berfirman kepada nya
- Makanlah olehmu buah buahan Syurga
- Mandilah kamu dengan Air Salsabil
- Minumlah oleh mu Air Al-Kautsar
- Aku lah tuhan mu dan engkau lah hamba ku
Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego
Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego
understand how to choose a lawyer for this disease, you should first understand the basics of the disease. In the simplest sense, mesothelioma is a cancer of the protective layers of the body cavities, known as the mesothelium.
These tissues have different names depending on the organs they protect. You have probably heard of the peritoneum�this is the covering around the stomach and intestines. Other organs and cavities have their own membranes as well.
Mesothelioma is a cancer of these tissues. They often do not just affect the tissues�they affect the organs they surround and can spread elsewhere. This cancer is most often contracted by exposure to asbestos, a highly dangerous mineral often found in floors, ceilings, and some products.
Employers and landlords are supposed to protect you from asbestos, but often this does not happen. If you have mesothelioma you have probably been exposed to asbestos. If so, you should contact mesotheloma attorneys in your area to see if you have a case against the party responsible for your exposure.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, your oncologist may be your best source of names for attorney contacts. She will likely have already worked with them on cases and can tell you not only who specializes in your type of cancer but who is best and who is within a short distance from your home or work. If she does not have the right kind of specialist, there are other ways to find the right professional for your case.
You can check with other doctors who deal specifically deal with mesothelioma if your doctor is more of a general oncologist. These doctors may have worked more closely with mesothelioma lawyers in your area of southern California. You can also call local hospitals, various cancer support groups�area law schools are also excellent for references. Also check your union or professional group if you were exposed on the job.
Regardless of where you find your contacts, interview the lawyer, check on his or her background, and get references if you can. If you are ill, the last thing you need is more trouble.
Mesothelioma Cancer
Listen to an audio summary on Mesothelioma Cancer.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane lining of the lungs and abdomen.Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. Although uncommon, mesothelioma cancer is no longer considered rare. The primary cause and risk factor for mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma Cancer
Making a correct mesothelioma diagnosis is particularly difficult for doctors because the disease often presents with symptoms that mimic other common ailments. There is no known cure for mesothelioma, but treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy have helped to improve the typical mesothelioma prognosis.
Pleural mesothelioma (affecting the lung�s protective lining in the chest cavity) represents about three quarters of all mesothelioma incidence. Peritoneal mesothelioma which affects the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the cardiac cavity, comprise the remainder. Testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and is typically presents with metastases of the peritoneal variety. There are three recognized mesothelioma cell-types. Between 50 and 70% of all mesotheliomas are of the epithelial variety. While prognosis is generally poor, it is considered less aggressive than sarcomatoid mesothelioma and biphasic mesothelioma, which comprise the remainder of cell type diagnoses.
Malignancies (cancerous tumors) occurring within the mesothelial membranes are known as malignant mesothelioma, or simply mesothelioma. Benign tumors of the mesothelium are known to occur, but are much rarer than the more common malignant cancer.
While tumors of the mesothelium were first recognized in the late 18th century, it was not until the middle of the 20th century that this particular cancer was studied and examined with more detail. It was at this time where suspicions of the cancer�s causal relationship with asbestos exposure became more substantiated. A joint research venture through the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of the Witswater and/Johannesburg General Hospital in South Africa provided the most compelling evidence of the nexus between asbestos exposure and the development of pleural mesothelioma.
Incidence of mesothelioma is still quite rare, with only 2,500-3000 diagnoses in the United States each year. There was a spike in reported diagnoses between 1970 and 1984, which has been attributed to the latency period between diagnosis and the height of industrial exposures, which occurred roughly 40-60 years prior to this time. Exposure was common in nearly all industries but was particularly common in the WWII-era military industrial cycle, including Navy Shipyards.
Although this cancer is much more common in men over the age of 60 (largely attributed to the industrial exposures within male-dominated industries), mesothelioma in women and children has been described as well. Mesothelioma causes for diagnosis in women and children are mainly attributed to secondary exposure to asbestos, as it was not uncommon for men to bring asbestos back into the home on their body or clothing if proper cleaning facilities were not available on site.
Mesothelioma is diagnosed through a comprehensive combination of biopsy and imaging scans.
Mesothelioma can be a difficult malignancy to diagnose because the symptoms and pathology of the disease closely resemble other respiratory conditions. For this reason, misdiagnosis is not uncommon in mesothelioma patients. Symptoms of mesothelioma include chest pain, chronic cough, effusions of the chest and abdomen, and the presence of blood in lung fluid.Diagnostic surgeries, including a biopsy, will typically be required to determine the type of malignant cells that are present in the body. Typically a body imaging scan, including a magnetic resonance image (MRI) or computer topography (CT scan) will be required to determine the extent and location of the disease.
Mesothelioma patients are generally referred by their personal physicians to one of the many renowned mesothelioma doctors in the United States. These oncologists are well versed in the disease behavior and pathology and are the most familiar with cutting-edge mesothelioma treatment options. Dr. David Sugarbaker of the Brigham and Women's Hospital, an extension of Harvard University and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA, is at the forefront of mesothelioma treatment through the International Mesothelioma Program.
While mesothelioma is typically advanced at diagnosis, treatment options are available.
Mesothelioma, while certainly an aggressive disease, is a manageable malignancy. While there is no cure for the cancer, mesothelioma treatment options including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are available for many patients. While a combination of Alimta� and Cisplatin is currently the only FDA approved chemotherapy regimen, several clinical trials are currently in progress utilizing other drugs including Gemcitabine and Onconase, with many showing dramatically improved results in certain cancer patients.Radiation therapy is also utilized, but typically in conjunction with other treatment methods like surgery and chemotherapy. Surgical resection of mesothelioma is possible in early-stage-diagnosed patients. Aggressive surgeries such as extrapleural pneumonectomy can extend survival rates far beyond previously-thought timeframes. Diagnostic and palliative surgeries such as pleurocentesis and pleurodesis are also common in patients of malignant mesothelioma cancer.
Alternative therapies have also been used effectively by many mesothelioma patients to assist in managing symptoms of the disease and conventional treatments. These treatments are mainly preferential but can be extremely valuable to many patients.
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is only caused by exposure to asbestos, though cases have been documented in children or other individuals with no asbestos history. Asbestos is a microscopic and naturally-occurring mineral that lodges in the pleural lining of the lungs and the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity. In most cases, several years will pass (up to 60) before mesothelioma develops in those who had been exposed to asbestos.In many cases, those individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma that have been known to be exposed to asbestos may be eligible for financial compensation from asbestos manufacturers for their illness. Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and were exposed to asbestos should fill out the brief form on this page. We'll rush you a complimentary mesothelioma and asbestos exposure information kit detailing new mesothelioma treatments, active clinical trials, top doctors, as well as how to obtain compensation for asbestos-related health conditions like mesothelioma.
Topics in this Section
Mesothelioma Risk Factors
Asbestos exposure is the primary risk factor for mesothelioma. Others include Radiation, Zeolite and SV40. Read more in this section.Mesothelioma Causes
The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Learn more about direct occupational exposure as well as second hand exposure.Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma symptoms often mimic those of common respiratory ailments. Learn more about the signs and symptoms to be aware of.Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Read about the diagnostic tests that doctors use to determine whether or not a patient has mesothelioma including imaging scans and biopsies.Mesothelioma Types
Pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma are the most common types of mesothelioma. Learn more.Mesothelioma Stages
Learn about the different staging systems that medical experts use find out how far mesothelioma cancer has spread.Mesothelioma Prognosis
Learn about the various factors that determine what the prognosis is for individuals that have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.Mesothelioma Information
This section provides a wealth of information about mesothelioma including the disease itself, latency period, survival rates, prevention and more.Mesothelioma Pictures
This section provides visual depictions of the types of mesothelioma that patients are most often diagnosed with, available treatment options, and the dangers associated with asbestos exposure.Mesothelioma Charities
These organizations support the mesothelioma community through a variety of programs that serve to raise awareness, fund ongoing research and assist asbestos disease victims in their fight against cancer.Sources:
National Cancer Institute � Malignant Mesothelioma(
Wagner, J.C., Sleggs, C.A., and Marchand, Paul. �Diffuse Pleural Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure in the North Western Cape Province.� Department of Thoracic Surgery: University of The Witswatersrand. Johannesburg, South Africa. 1960.
Grondin, Sean C., Sugarbaker, David J. �Pleuropneumonectomy in the Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma� Chest December 1999 116:suppl 3 450S-454S;
Rusch, Valerie W. �Indications for pneumoctomy. Extrapleural pneumonectomy�
Roggli VL, Sharma A, Butnor KJ, Sporn T, Vollmer RT (2002). "Malignant mesothelioma and occupational exposure to asbestos: a clinicopathological correlation of 1445 cases". Ultrastruct Pathol 26(2): 55�65.
Brigham and Women�s Hospital � International Mesothelioma Program
how to make a blue post on facebook

How to Create a Status / We Becoming Blue posts on Facebook, for example please see Figure Buddies
Above (click to enlarge picture)
Then how His way?
First: Please Select Buddy Updates Via what want (Whatever)-right click open link new tab, then wait 5 seconds loading. until a SKIP AD, nah deh click its SKIP AD.
via BlackBerry
via Google
Via Facebook Live
Then it will open a New Page Like This

@ [100002499535762:0: Sentence buddy here]
Third: Then click publish or Publish and see its results, buddy status will change to blue is not easy?
(Remember, the Facebook page will shrink later lo, but it does not matter, after my friend yan page was last CLOSE of the right page again pal) okay buddy, Hopefully Helpful, who do not understand please contact me or up to 0853 7472 3131 - Not Serving SMS )
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
17 Agustus | HUT RI ke 66

17 Agustus | HUT RI ke 66 - Seperti Biasa, setiap tanggal 17 Agustus Rakyat Indonesia memperingati Hari Kemerdekan Indonesia yang ke 66. Dimana seluruh masyarakat Indonesia (diwajibkan) memasang bendera sang saka mera putih dan mengibarkannya di depan rumah sebagai rasa ucapan syukur karena Bangsa Indonesia sudah terlepas dari Belenggu Penjajahan Bangsa asing. Tidak Hanya itu, setiap tanggal 17 Agustus Seluruh Sekolah mewajibkan siswa/i nya untuk hadir dalam mengikuti Upacara Bendera yang dikhususkan juga untuk mengenang jasa pahlawan kita, karena tanpa mereka Indonesia mungkin masih di jajah.
Okay, back to topic. Bicara mengenai HUT RI juga tidak lari mengenai perlombaan yang diadakan di wilayah setempat. Dimana mungkin setiap warga menyelenggarakan perlombaan kecil-kecilan, seperti : lomba balap karung, lomba makan kerupuk , lomba memasukkan paku kedalam botol ,dan lain sebagainya agar bisa merasakan indahnya 17 Agustus-an itu. (mungkin setiap wilayah berbeda jenis games nya, ini hanya contoh .
Oke. Kalau ada ultah, pasti ada harapan kan ( atau biasa di bilang make a wish). Singkat saja, berikut harapan saya untuk Indonesia di ultahnya yang ke 66 ini.
- Indonesia bisa menjadi Negara yang lebih baik kedepannya.
- Indonesia bisa meminimalisir yang namanya "Korupsi" di Indonesia.
- Indonesia bisa lebih bersifat Demokrasi.
- Indonesia bisa menjunjung tinggi yang namanya warisan kebudayaan, jangan sempat di klaim oleh WNA baru bertindak.
- Indonesia bisa lebih melindungi TKI yang adalah devisa kita. Jangan sampai ada tindak kekerasan yang bisa merugikan satu pihak.
Sekian Artikel Mengenai 17 Agustus | HUT RI ke 66 . Selamat ber 17 Agustusan. Merdeka Buat Indonesia . Merdeka ! Merdeka ! Merdeka !
Monday, August 15, 2011
Kupas Tuntas Daftar Adsense Cepat Di Approve
Tutorial Blog HTC kali ini Tentang Janji Saya Kepada Para Sahabat Bloggers Yaitu Kupas Tuntas Daftar Adsense Cepat Di Approve / how to approve google adsense atau TIPS dan TRIK Cara Daftar Google Adsense Agar Cepat Di Terima / di Approve , Mungkin Karna Google Adsense ini saya ingin mengetahui cara cara dan tutorialnya bagaimana dan seperti apa cara ngebohongin mbh google :).

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Saya Selalu Berfikir Pengalaman Adalah Guru Yang Paling Baik Bagi Saya,,( Oleh Karna itu Contoh : Ada yang bilang Kata - Kata Kiss Tidak Boleh Atau Dilarang Di Buku Tamu,, ( Ini yang sangat saya tidak setuju, alhamdullilah sampai dengan menuju PO yang kedua Adsense saya masih aman dan terkondisi,
Masih Dengan Posting Group Diatas ( Logikanya : Di Indonesia Publisher Google Adsense Itu ada di angka Ratusan Juta Bahkan Milyaran Account ( Belum Termasuk Negara Lain ), Meskipun saya belum Pernah Ke Kantor Si Mbh Google, Saya Pekirakan Misalkan Paling Banyak Pegawai Google tuh ada 1.000.000 Pegawai,, Nah Pertanyaaan Saya Apakah Balance 1Jt / 1 Trilyun artinya tidak mungkin 1 juta manusia bisa mengawas 1 Trilyun Account, Jikalaupun mereka ada Program Canggih Seperti Yang Pernah saya Baca : Google Bisa Membaca History / Cookies Mozilla kita ( Ip dari Jaringan Kita Sendiri ), hal ini memang benar,, tp APAKAH ADA PROGRAM PENGECEK / PENGINTAI SEPERTI POSTING SAYA YANG JUJUR DAN KATRO YANG MASIH PAKAI BAHASA KEBANGGAAN SAYA...? ( Berfikirlah Secara Real dan Logic )
Saya Paling Gak Suka Kalau Sifat Manusia Yang Terlalu Berlebihan dan Sering Melebihkan.
Baiklah Itu Diatas Hanya Sederentetan Unek - Unek Saya,, sebenernya untuk tutorial kali ini kalian sudah pada mengetahui semua apalagi buat suhu suhu GA he,,he,, tapi disini saya hanya ingin sharing juga berbagi karna berbagi itu indah :), mungkin SEBELUM GOOGLE ADSENSE INI SAYA ADA,, SAYA SUDAH HOBBY DENGAN NAMANYA BLOGGING :D
Anda Harus Mendaftar Terlebih Dahulu Gmail Sebanyak Banyaknya Untuk Stock he,,he,,
Ikutilah Cara Saya Pada Postingan Kemarin Cara Daftar Google Adsense Lewat Flixya ataupun Bisa Lewat Inyarocks Tapi Mungkin Sedikit Tips Dari saya Adalah Jika Kita Daftar Lewat Flixya,, Foto Minimal 10 Alangkah Mulianya Jika Kita Upload 15 - 20 Foto, Lalu Artikel Minimal 2 Alangkah Baiknya 5 - 10 Artikel, Dan Pada Saat Baru Konfirmasi Via Gmail Isilah Website Anda Dengan Kepunyaan Anda Ataupun Orang Lain yang Top Seperti ( Blog OOM, KANG RAHMAN, Serta KANG OJEL wkwkkwkw ) itu adalah sedikit tipsnya dari saya yang pertama.
Tips Selanjutnya Adalah Pada Saat Ingin Mengisi Form Pendaftaran Google Adsense,, Kita Close Semua Aplikasi Lalu Clear Recent History dan Lebih Baik Lagi Di tambah dengan CCleaner, lalu setelah itu barulah Masuk Ke Gmail Kita Kembali dan Lanjutkan Ke Pengisian Form Adsense.
- Dalam Teknik Penulisan Alamat Mungkin Ini Yang Harus Kalian Perhatikan Contoh :
Contoh Penulisan Yang Salah : Jl. Kh. Ahmad Dahlan Gg. Horas No.58 Blok A
Dusun Sukalebai , Kelurahan JanganLEbaiDOng
Hal ini Sudah saya ujicoba dan ternyata cara pertama lah yang benar Juga ada dalam contoh format penulisan alamat pada mbh google, Catatan : Jika Sudah Diterima Account Kita Barulah Kita Isi Lengkap - Lengkap Tuh Alamatnya Mw Sepanjang Jalan Kenanganpun Gak apa apa he,he,,
Catatan Lagi ^_^ : Nama Account Sama Tidak Berpengaruh Terhadap ditolaknya Cinta kita Sama Si Mbh Google JIKA Kita Belum Pernah Diterma sama sekali Contoh : Daftar 10 X ditolak Semua Dan Jika Ingin Mendaftar Ke 11 Sampai Seterusnya Masih Bisa Memakai Nama Kita Yang Sudah Ditolak tadi, dengan sarat Nama Gmail Yang Berbeda atau Gmail Baru.
5. Jika Hal Ke 4 diatas sudah dan yakin anda lakukan sesuai dengan tutorial saya ini masih Gagal, Jangan Putus Asa dan Jangan Pernah Menyerah Apa Yang Harus Kita Lakukan Adalah RESUBMIT ULANG :
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Langkah selanjutnya yaitu kita mengganti URL Situs Web default pada saat kita mendaftar via flixya,
Cara Jitu Adalah Gantilah URL Tersebut Dengan Url Url Top Yang Seperti saya bilang tadi dan lebih bagus jika diatas PR 4 juga belum memiliki account Adsense ini dia saya kasih sekalian list Doffollow yang sering saya gunakan dan hingga sekarang sudah 6 X saya berhasil mendaftarkan adsense saya maupun teman saya :
Carilah Didalam BLog Ini : Nah Gantilah URl default tersebut dengan Url Yang Saya Kasih Diatas ini, Selanjutnya Adalah :
Ceklist Semua Form Pendaftaran Adsense Tersebut Lalu Selalu dimana ada usaha Disitu Pasti kita harus berdoa dan Tunggu Kabar Baiknya to approve google adsense : keyword tambahan :D
Catatan Dei : Jika Resubmit Masih Gagal Cobalah Terus Karna Saya Sampai 4 X Resubmit Ulang Baru Diterima he,he, ( Mungkin pada saat Resubmit Masih Salah Masukin Urlnya yang Gak Beruntung :D )
Terima Kasih Kepada Sobat Bloggers Saya Yang Selalu Sharing Dan Tidak Pernah Bosan Chat Sama Saya :
- Esagello
- Komud
- Muhammad Hatta
Jangan Lupa Donasi KISS nya yah om :)